Pasotti Umbrella

In the last few decades, competition from Asia resulted in an umbrella market saturated with inferior, mass-produced products at low prices. However, in the countryside of Mantova, Italy, there is still someone who continues to produce handmade bespoke umbrellas, Pasotti Ombrelli. 

Pasotti Ombrelli was founded in 1956 by Ernesta Pasotti, who designed and sold distinct and exceptional umbrellas that she sold directly, often while riding her bicycle. The family-owned company quickly grew from a small artisan shop to a large one with over one hundred employees. Today the company concentrates on limited edition umbrellas that are sold in the most prestigious boutiques and adored by fans all over the world. 

The company stands out for its creativity and consistent material search, all exclusively Italian: enameled brass handles, Swarovski® crystals, precious silk fabrics and marvelous decorations. 

Click here to view our collection of Pasotti Umbrellas.